Tunjukkan aku jalan lurusMu...

10 August 2012


Saatku terjatuh
Tiada siapa yang ingin hampiriku
Tiada siapa yang sudi membantu
Apatah lagi ingin membimbingku dari segala dugaan

Saat itu
Yang aku tahu
Hanya Dia Yang ada dalam hati
Hanya Dia yang tak pernah lupakanku

Ya Tuhanku Ya Ilahi
Saat aku tersungkur
Engkau ada disetiap waktuku
Selalu ada menuntunku kala aku lelah tak berdaya

Terima kasih Tuhan
Tanpamu aku lelah
Tanpamu aku mati dalam cubaan dunia
Bawalah aku dalam maghfirahMu
Agar aku dapat menggapai cinta agungMu
Sampai ke sana yang abadi..


Ketika Cinta Bertasbih
Bertuturlah cinta
Mengucap satu nama
Seindah goresan sabdamu dalam kitabku
Cinta yang bertasbih
Mengutus Hati ini
Kusandarkan hidup dan matiku padamu
Bisikkan doaku
Dalam butiran tasbih
Kupanjatkan pintaku padamu Maha Cinta
Sudah di ubun-ubun cinta mengusik resah
Tak bisa kupaksa walau hatiku menjerit
Ketika Cinta bertasbih Nadiku berdenyut merdu
Kembang kempis dadaku merangkai butir cinta
Garis tangan tergambar tak bisa aku menentang
Sujud sukur padamu atas segala cinta

Bertasbih atas nama Allah Yang Maha Agung..Tiada yang lain melainkan hanya Allah yang kita cintai..Hadapkanlah diri kita padaNya..Janganlah kita jauh dan melupakanNya...
Kerana Dia..Kita masih berdiri disini..

09 August 2012

Tentang Lailatul Qadar

Tip Memburu "Lailatul Qadar"

Sedar tak sedar sudah masuk ke 10 akhir bulan Ramadhan.Masa inilah kita mesti berlumba-lumba dengan memperbanyakkan amalan di hari-hari terakhir Ramadhan ini.Lakukan yang terbaik untuk diri kita dan juga diri saya.Moga-moga jangan jadikan hari-hari terakhir ini sebagai hari yang sangat sibuk untuk membeli belah sebaliknya tumpukan terhadap ibadah.Moga kita biasa ketemu Lailatul Qadar yang teristimewa...

Jadi sama-sama kita memburu Lailatul Qadar umpama memburu sang bintang yang jauh tersergam indah di angkasaraya.Dibawah ini adalah tips untuk memburu Lailatul Qadar .Selamat mencuba..

1- Jangan biarkan sedetik pun waktu Ramadan berlalu tanpa adanya ibadah, baik waktu siang mahupun malam.

2- Habiskan sebanyak mungkin waktu malam di surau atau masjid sehingga mudah beribadah mengingati Allah dengan mendirikan solat, tilawah al-Quran dan berzikir. Ibadah seperti ini agak sukar dilakukan jika kita berada di rumah.

3- Bekerja tidak terlalu berat pada waktu siang sehingga terlalu letih untuk berjaga dan beribadah pada malamnya.

4- Berusaha untuk qailulah atau tidur sejenak sebelum waktu Zohor supaya bersemangat dan segar untuk berjaga pada waktu malam.

5- Hindari semua hal yang membawa sia-sia termasuk menonton televisyen.

6- Berdoa sebelum tidur meminta kepada Allah agar dikuatkan untuk bangkit pada tengah malam untuk beribadah.

7- Tidur awal dan pastikan tempat tidur tidak terlalu selesa agar tidak sukar untuk bangun solat malam.

8- Tidak tidur dalam keadaan junub. Sebaik-baiknya tidurlah dalam keadaan berwuduk, insya-Allah akan lebih mudah untuk sedar daripada tidur.

9- Bersihkan hati sebelum tidur dengan memohon keampunan kepada Allah segala kesalahan dan dosa kita disamping memaafkan semua orang jika ada dosa mereka dengan kita.



Ada kelebihannya mengapa Lailatul Qadar tidak ditetapkan,iaitu agar kita beribadah dan sentiasa mencarinya.Sepertimana hadis-hadis riwayat Abi Said Al-Khudri,Rasulullah saw bersabda yang bermaksud :

" Aku diperlihatkan Lailatul Qadr,tiba-tiba aku dilupakan.Walaupun begitu,kamu cari-carilah Lailatul Qadar pada 10 malam iaitu di malam-malam ganjil.

Sebuah hadis lagi menyebut yang bermaksud :

" Aku diperlihatkan Lailatul Qadar,tiba-tiba dijagakan keluarga untuk bersahur,intai-intailah Lailatul Qadar iaitu 10 Ramadhan yang akhir ".

08 August 2012


Laylatul Qadar is a night of great blessing in which Allah (swt) showers His Mercy
upon those of His believers whom sincerely and faithfully love and obey His Will. It
is a night which is commonly associated with the revelation of the Holy Qur’an but
also has other meanings which are all deeply rooted in Allah’s attribute of

From the above verses of the Holy Qur’an (97:1-6) we are made to understand that
Laylatul Qadr literally means the ‘Night of Decree/Power’. It is a night which is of greater
value than a thousand months (1000 being the highest numerical figure in Arabic)
and in which the angels descend upon the Earth and help to breath a new life into
mankind. We also know from another place in the Holy Qur’an (44:4) that it is a
‘Blessed Night’

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II (rh) writes in his Tafsir al-Kabir that the words ‘Therein
descend angels and the Spirit’ (( تَنَزَّلُ الْمَلَائِ َ كةُ وَالرُّوحُ فِيهَا )) signify that,
‘’…the Angels of God descend to meet and satisfy every religious need and to remove all
obstacles and impediments from the way of the expansion and spread of the new Message.’’
(Tafsir al-Kabir, Pg.2859, Ft.4786)

In the context of Surah al-Qadr we find that Allah (swt) is referring to the most
blessed of nights in which the Holy Qur’an was revealed to Hadhrat Khatamul
Anbiyaa and he recited those blessed verses that will forever live in the hearts of
all believers:

In this context Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II (rh) has explained that the words ‘one
thousand months’ (( َألْفِ شَهْ ٍ ر )) have several meanings two of which are that:
1. as Laylatul Qadr is better than a countless number of nights this signifies that the
period of the Holy Prophet (saw) is greater than all other periods combined;
2. the rich content and value of the Holy Qur’an is greater in worth than the
combined research and efforts of all learned men. This definition is derived from the
word Months (( شَهْ ٍ ر )) which can also mean learned men.

Laylatul Qadr also has a wider understanding and can signify that when mankind
reaches a point of darkness and is in need of reform Allah (swt) answers their need by
sending a new reformer. In relation to this a period of 1000 months roughly amounts
to a century and can thus be linked to the saying of the Holy Prophet :

‘Verily God will continue for ever to raise for this Ummat in the beginning of every century
one who Will restore for it its faith.’ (Abu Dawud, Kitabul Fitan)
Allah (swt) is described in the Holy Qur’an as the Ever Merciful ( الرحيم ) and such a
verse personifies the magnificence of Allah’s infinite Mercy which is safeguarded for
the remainder of mankind’s existence. Further expanding on this the Promised
Messiah (as) writes,ِإنَّا َأنزَْلنَاهُ فِي َليَْلةِ الَْقدْ ِ ر))’‘ )), 

This Night, according to its common interpretation, is a Blessed Night, but some of the verses of the Holy Qur’an indicate that the condition of the darkness of the world is also a Night of Decree on account of its hidden qualities. In that condition of darkness, sincerity and steadfastness, and piety and worship, have great value in the estimation of God. It was because of that condition of darkness which at the time of the
advent of the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] had arrived at its
climax and demanded the descent of a Grand Light, that observing this dark condition and
having mercy on the creatures afflicted with darkness, there was an up-surge in the attribute
of Rahmaniyyat and heavenly blessings addressed themselves to the earth. That dark
condition became blessed for the world and the world thereby received a grand mercy so that
the Perfect Man and the Chief of the Prophets, like whom there had been no one, nor ever
will be, came for the guidance of the world and brought that bright Book for the world whose
match no eye has beheld. It was a great manifestation of spiritual perfection of God that, at
a time of gloom and darkness, He sent down a Grand Light which is named the Furqan
and which distinguishes between truth and falsehood and which demonstrated the coming of
truth and the disappearance of falsehood. It descended upon the earth when the earth had
become spiritually dead and land and sea had been greatly corrupted. By its descent it
accomplished that to which God Almighty has pointed in the verse:

((اعَْلمُوا َأنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِْيي الَْأرْضَ بَعْدَ مَوْتِهَا))

That is to say: The earth had died and God revived it afresh. It should be remembered that
the descent of the Holy Qur’an which took place for the purpose of reviving the earth came
about through the upsurge of the attribute of Rahmaniyyat. This is the attribute which
sometimes manifests itself in a material way and causes the rain of mercy to descend upon dry
land and thus makes provision for those who are afflicted with famine. The same attribute
sometimes surges up spiritually and has mercy on the condition of those who are hungry and
thirsty and near unto death on account of misguidance and error, and lack the nourishment
of truth and righteousness which is the source of spiritual life. Thus the Gracious One, as
He bestows nourishment upon the body at the time of need, so of His Perfect Mercy He
provides spiritual nourishment also at the time of need.’’

(Brahin-e-Ahmadiyya, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 1, pp. 414-435, footnote 11)
The ultimate effect of a reformer being sent to the Earth is that the world enters a
period of peace as is alluded to in the concluding verse of Surah al-Qadr. Khalifatul
Masih II (rh) explains:

‘’The word (( سَلَامٌ )) (peace) stands for a complete sentence meaning, ‘’it is all peace.’’ In the
time of a Prophet or Divine reformer a peculiar kind of mental peace of equanimity descends
upon the believers amidst hardships and privations. The heavenly happiness which inspires
believers at that time transcends all material and sensuous joys.

The expression (( هِيَ حَتَّى مَطَْل ِ ع الَْفجْ ِ ر )) (It is all peace till the rising of the dawn.) means, the
passing of the night of hardships and the rising of the dawn of predominance and ascendancy
of the cause of truth.’’ (Tafsir Al-Kabir, Pg.2860 Ft.4797)

Laylatul Qadr also has a significant meaning to each and every believer as it is a night
in which a believer can benefit from great blessings. In a reported hadith the Holy
Prophet said:

‘’Whoever establishes the prayers on the night of Qadr out of sincere faith and hoping to
attain Allah's rewards (not to show off) then all his past sins will be forgiven.’’
(al-Bukhari, Vol.1, Bk.2, No. 34)

In another hadith the Holy Prophet advises as to when one should seek Laylatul
Qadr saying:

‘’Search for the Night of Qadr in the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadan’’
(Al-Bukhari, Vol.3, Bk.32, No. 234)

The Promised Messiah (as) is known to have said that should the 27th night of
Ramadan fall upon a Friday then through Allah’s (swt) Grace this will often be
Laylatul Qadr.

In light of the above blessed narrations it is incumbent on each believer to increase
his or her worship (Ibaada) during the last ten days of Ramadan and pray sincerely
that they may benefit from the fruits of Laylatul Qadr and have all their previous sins
forgiven, Insha-Allah. Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) delivered a Khutbah on the
subject of Laylatul Qadr (14 Nov, 2003) where he emphasised the need for each
believer to pay special attention to not only the last ten nights of Ramadan but indeed
to every night. Huzur (aba) indicated that one reason behind the ambiguity of which
night Lailatul Qadr falls upon is to ensure that believers spend all of the last ten
nights in Ibaada and do not simply ritualise one appointed night.

In further explanation of this subject Huzur (aba) added that the Holy Prophet
said whoever offers all their prayers during the month of Ramadan in congregation
gleans a large portion of Laylatul Qadr. Therein is the significance that in order to
experience this night one must maintain the highest standard of righteousness
through out the month, paying the dues of Allah (swt) and the dues of mankind.

Huzur (aba) explained that although certain ahadith signify the appearance of signs
(like flashes of light) to verify that one has experienced Laylatul Qadr, these signs are
not obligatory to Laylatul Qadr. Indeed the Holy Prophet would gather immense
resolve and determination at the start of the last ten days of Ramadan, spending these
days in worship of God of the highest and most excellent eminence. He enjoined us
to profusely engage in remembrance of Allah during these days, to glorify Him and to
exalt His greatness.

To support us in this effort the following prayer (dua) to be recited on Laylatul Qadr
was conveyed to Hadhrat Aisha (rh) by Hadhrat Khatamul Anbiyaa :
Allahumma innaka ‘afuwwun tu hibul ‘afwa fa ‘fu ‘anni

O Allah! You are the Great Pardoner, You love to pardon. Hence I seek Your pardon
(Ibn Maja, Kitabul Duaa)

May we each engage in sincere worship during this blessed month and incur the
Mercy of Allah (swt), Insha-Allah. Ameen