Tunjukkan aku jalan lurusMu...

18 July 2012

resepi rohani tengahari..imbas kembali mengenai puasa..

Assalamualaikum..mari kita sama2 mengscan kembali ingatan kita mengenai pose..bimbang lupa bila menghadapi Ramadhan nanti..

Perkara Sunat, Makruh dan Yang Membatalkan Puasa

Ø      Perkara-perkara sunat puasa:
a)      membanyakkan membaca al-Quran
b)      mandi junub sebelum fajar
c)      melewatkan sahur waktu imsak
d)      berbuka dengan buah tamar dan benda manis
e)      membanyakkan sedekah
f)        solat terawih
g)      segera berbuka bila masuk waktu

Ø      Perkara-perkara makruh puasa
a)      berkumur-kumur dengan keterlaluan
b)      merasa makanan dengan lidah
c)      bercakap perkara-perkara buruk dan keji
d)      memasukkan air yang berlebihan ketika berwuduk
e)      gosok gigi setelah gelincir matahari
f)        mencium isteri
g)      menderma darah

Ø      Perkara-perkara yang membatalkan puasa:
a)      makan dan minum dengan sengaja
b)      mengeluarkan air mani dengan sengaja
c)      haid, nifas dan wiladah(melahirkan anak)
d)      muntah dan memasukkan sesuatu ke dalam rongga dengan sengaja
e)      melakukan persetubuhan
f)        gila walaupun sebentar
g)      murtad
h)      berbuka sebelum yakin masuk waktu Maghrib

Ø      Perkara yang tidak membatalkan puasa:
a)      Menelan air liur yang bersih dan bagi orang yang selalu berdarah gusinya adalah dimaafkan.
b)      Bersuntik
c)      Tidur walaupun sepanjang hari
d)      Termasuk debu atau lalat ke dalam rongga
e)      Tertelan air yang dikumur tanpa sengaja


Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang..Selawat dan salam buat junjungan Rasulullah saw serta keluarga baginda...

Assalamualaikum..selamat pagi ikhwan akhawat yang dikasihi sekalian.Kini tinggal1 hari lagi menjelang Ramadhan.Bersediakah kita untuk menghadapinya?Are you ready for this??Haha..speaking English pulak.Apapun,perbanyakkanlah ibadah di penghujung Syaaban ni.So hari ini khamis,boleh berpuasa sunat yang terakhir di Syaaban ini.Dan banyak lagi amalan kebajikan yang kita boleh perbuat contohnya berselawat pada Nabi,bersedekah kepada fakir miskin,anak-anak yatim atau bagi mereka yang kurang mampu untuk membuat persiapan jasmani menjelang puasa nanti.Jadinya,ianya satu akhlak yang mulia jika kita dapat meringankan beban mereka yang susah dalam menjalani hidup.Sewajarnya kita semua yang dikurniakan harta dan kerjaya bersyukur kerana semua itu datangnya dari Allah SWT bukan dari kita sendiri.

Dan banyak lagilah amalan yang boleh dibuat.Paling ringan selalu berzikir memuji Allah.(bertasbih,bertahmid dan bertakbir).Mudah-mudahan Allah menerima amalan kita asalkan ikhlas semata-mata keranaNya..


10 Hak Manusia

 Sebelum Imam Syafie pulang ke rahmatullah, beliau sempat berwasiat kepada para muridnya dan umat islam seluruhnya. Berikut ialah kandungan wasiat tersebut: "Barangsiapa yang ingin meninggalkan dunia dalam keadaan selamat maka hendaklah ia mengamalkan sepuluh perkara."

Mengurangkan tidur, mengurangkan makan, mengurangkan percakapan dan berpada-pada dengan rezeki yang ada.
Mengqada kewajipan-kewajipan yang tertinggal, mendapatkan kemaafan dari orang yang kita zalimi, membuat persediaan untuk mati dan merasa cinta kepada Allah.
Membuang tabiat kencing merata-rata, memperbanyakkan solat Tahajud dan membantu orang yang dizalimi.
Tidak berdusta, sentiasa berkata benar, meninggalkan maksiat dan nasihat menasihati.
5. HAK KEPADA MIZAN (Neraca timbangan amal pada hari akhirat)
Menahan kemarahan, banyak berzikir, mengikhlaskan amalan dan sanggup menanggung kesusahan.
6. HAK KEPADA SIRAT (Titian yang merentangi neraka pada hari akhirat)
Membuang tabiat suka mengumpat, bersikap warak, suka membantu orang beriman dan suka berjemaah.
7. HAK KEPADA MALIK (Penjaga neraka)
Menangis lantaran takutkan Allah s.w.t., berbuat baik kepada ibu bapa, bersedekah secara terang-terangan serta sembunyi dan memperbaiki akhlak.
8. HAK KEPADA RIDHWAN (Malaikat penjaga syurga)
Berasa redha dengan Qada' Allah, bersabar menerima bala, bersyukur ke atas nikmat Allah dan bertaubat dari melakukan maksiat.
Berselawat ke atas Baginda, berpegang dengan syariat, bergantung kepada as-Sunnah (Hadis), menyayangi para sahabat dan bersaing dalam mencari keredhaan Allah.
Mengajak manusia ke arah kebaikan, mencegah manusia dari kemungkaran, menyukai ketaatan dan membenci kemaksiatan.
Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:,
"Sampaikanlah pesanku biarpun dengan sepotong ayat".

17 July 2012


Jus Limau Kasturi + Asam Boi

Biasanya bila buat air limau kasturi
campur dgn asam boi
saya cuma belah dan perah ja limau kasturi tu
tp hari ni rajin la pulak

memula kupas limau kasturi
sebelum diblender
belah dua dahulu limau tu
buang bijinya
kalau tak,pahit rasa jus yg dibuat nanti..

ditapis...ditambah gula
tambah ketul ais...sedia diminum

lagi satu cara menikmati limau dan asam boi ni
potong/belah liamu tersebut
masukkan asam boi ditengah2nya
mujarab diamalkan ketika pening/sakit kepala/loya2..

Islam And Lifestyle ...Any People who must know it...

Diets: Islam allows Muslims to eat everything which is good for the health. It restricts certain items such as pork and its by-products, alcohol and any narcotic or addictive drugs. Islam sees leading of a healthy lifestyle as religious obligation. 
The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: 'Ask God for certainty (of faith) and well-being; for after certainty, no one is given any gift better than health!'

Dress: According to Islamic law the dress made with thin, transparent or semi-transparent material from which the body is some how viewable to others is strongly forbidden. The minimum dress for man is from his belly button to knee (but a complete dress is more appreciated and honored) while minimum dress for woman is from her neck to wrist and to ankle. She must take a scarf on her head in addition. 

Place of Worship:  A Muslim may pray any where in the world whether in a Mosque, a house, an office or outside. The whole world is a place of worship for them. It is preferable that Muslims pray in a congregation, however, he/she may pray individually anywhere.

Calendar: Islamic practices are based on the lunar calendar. The Islamic year "Hijra" began from the day when Prophet of Islam  migrated from Mecca to Madina in the year of 622 C.E.  Muslims also use the Gregorian calendar along with the lunar calendar in their daily lives. Therefore the Islamic calendar includes both the common era and the migration (Hijra) year. 

Celebrations: Muslims have two celebrations called "Eid". They are, 
a) Eid -ul- Fitar (Eid of Fast-Breaking):-  The "Eid of Fast-Breaking" comes, at the end of  fasting month ( Ramadan), on 1st day of  the next month called "Shawwal".
b) Eid-ul-Adha (Eid of Sacrifice):-The "Eid of Sacrifice" is in remembrance of the sacrifice to be by Prophet Abraham of his son. It comes on the 10th day of  last month called "Dhul-Hijja" in Islamic year. 

16 July 2012

25 Advices for Ramadan(Nasihat Ramadhan)

Brother Muslim(ikhwan) , Sister Muslima(akhawat) :

1. Fast Ramadhan with belief and truly seeking the reward of Allah the Most High so that He may forgive you your past sins.

2. Beware of breaking your fast during the days of Ramadhan without a valid Islamic excuse, for it is from the greatest of sins.

3. Pray Salat ut-Taraweeh and the night prayer during the nights of Ramadhan – especially on Layatul-Qadr – based on belief and truly seeking the reward of Allah, so that Allah may forgive you your past sins.

4. Make sure that your food, your drink and your clothing are from halal means, in order that your actions be accepted, and your supplications answered. Beware of refraining from the halal while fasting and breaking your fast with the haram.

5. Give food to some fasting people to gain a reward similar to theirs.

6. Perform your five prayers on time in congregation to gain the reward and Allahs protection.

7. Give a lot of charity for the best charity is that of Ramadhan.

8. Beware of spending your time without performing righteous deeds, for you will be responsible and reckoned for it and will be rewarded for all you do during your time.

9. Perform `umrah in Ramadhan for `Umrah in Ramadhan is equal to Hajj.

10. Seek help for fasting during the day by eating the sahoor meal in the last part of the night before the appearance of Fajr.

11. Hasten breaking your fast after the sun has truly set in order to gain the love of Allah.

12. Perform ghusl before fajr if you need to purify yourself from the state of major impurity so that you are able to do acts of worship in a state of purity and cleanliness.

13. Cease the opportunity of being in Ramadhan and spend it with the good that has been revealed in it – by reciting the noble Quran and pondering and reflection of its meanings so that it be a proof for you with your Lord and an intercessor for you on the Day of Reckoning.

14. Preserve your tongue from lying, cursing, backbiting and slander for it decreases the reward of fasting.

15. Do not let fasting cause you cross your boundaries by getting upset due to the slightest of reasons. Rather, fating should be a cause of peacefulness and tranquility of your soul.

16. Upon completion of fasting, be in a state of taqwa of Allah the Most High, being aware of Allah watching you in secret and in public, in thankfulness for His favors, and steadfastness upon obedience of Allah by doing all what He has ordered and shunning all that He has prohibited.

17. Increase in remembrance of Allah, seeking of forgiveness, asking for Paradise and protection against the Fire, especially when fasting, while breaking the fast and during suhoor, for these actions are among greatest causes of attaining Allahs forgiveness.

18. Increase in supplication for yourself, your parents, your children and Muslims, for Allah has ordered making of supplications and has guaranteed acceptance.

19. Repent to Allah with a sincere repentance in all times by leaving sins, regretting those that you have done before and firmly deciding not to return to them in the future, for Allah accepts repentance of those who repent.

20. Fast six days of Shawwal, for whoever fasts Ramadhan and then follows it with six days of Shawwal, it is as if he fasts all the time.

21. Fast on the Day of `Arafah, the 9th of Dhul Hijjah, to attain success by being forgiven your sins of the last year and the coming year.

22. Fast on the day of `Aashuraa, the 10th of Muharram, along with the 9th, to attain success by being forgiven your sins of the past year.

23. Continue being in a state of iman and taqwa and perform righteous actions after the month of Ramadhan, until you die. And worship your Lord until there comes to you the certainty (i.e. death). [Quran 15:99]

24. Ensure that you attain the positive effects of your acts of worship such as prayer, fasting, zakat and hajj, sincere repentance and leaving of customs that are in variance with the Sharee`ah.

25. Invoke a lot of salawat and salam upon the Messenger of Allah, may Allahs blessings and peace be upon him, his Companions and all those who follow them until the Day of Judgement(Hari Akhirat)

May Allah Bless Us In World and Day Of Judgement................