Tunjukkan aku jalan lurusMu...

22 April 2013

Diariku : Rintihan sang hati


Dengan Nama Allah Maha Agung Lagi Maha Menguasai Hari Pembalasan.Terima kasih Tuhanku kerna memberi nikmat dalam hidup.Janganlah Engkau palingkan aku dari rahmat dan kasihMu.Sesungguhnya aku tak mampu untuk berdiri tanpa tuntunMu.Bimbinglah aku saat aku perih kerna cinta manusiawi.Jagalah hatiku dari kecil hati kerna wasangkaku terhadap insani.Kasihanilah aku...Sayangilah aku..Sesungguhnya aku tak mampu melangkah tanpaMu..

02 April 2013

Bila Waktu Telah Berakhir : Renungilah

 Bila Waktu Telah Berakhir

bagaimana kau merasa bangga
akan dunia yang sementara
bagaimanakah bila semua hilang dan pergi
meninggalkan dirimu

bagaimanakah bila saatnya
waktu terhenti tanpa kau sedari
masikah ada jalan bagimu
untuk kembali
mengulangi masa lalu

dunia dipenuhi dengan hiasan
semua dan segala yang ada akan
kembali padaNya

bila waktu tlah memanggil
teman sejati hanyalah amal
bila waktu telah terhenti
teman sejati tinggallah sepi

13 January 2013

05 December 2012

Reflection in evening :LIFE IS ONLY TEMPORARY

Could we live forever
Could we die, bringing the property
Could we be the dwellers of heaven
Or, do we abide in the Fire

Our life is not the end of all
Our life is not everything
Death we invite you completed when we
You completed we face Him

Hurry to prepare all
when we live a little while
Expand hurry deeds
Living in this world is temporary

Find out ... for we live in the world
His counsel did, stay away from evil

Understand ... sneeringly angels come to our doorstep
There will not be another opportunity to recite the word repentance

Info For u..7 Things That Make You Motivated In The Morning Time The best thing you should do in the morning, is: 1. Grateful, grateful, grateful. Be thankful because you are given the chance to live, you still have a chance to do our best today, better than yesterday. 2. Motivated determination. Install the intention in your heart that you want to be fully enthusiastic. Take some short motivational articles and read in a minute or two. In the early hours of the morning, do not open the email, read the newspaper, read the gossip, gossip or backbiting join session with my friends. Reason, it issues a negative energy, thus preventing you from motivated throughout the day. 3. Lift Yourself With Motivation Session. Follow motivation sessions in the media, for example on TV3 Morning Motivation and motivating session Dr Izzy at Hot FM. Spend time 3-5 minutes motivate myself through a short motivational sessions this. Motivation should be maintained, if not on guard because it is easily downloaded. In effect, you become motivated, shaky and faint. 4. In What Whatsoever You Do, Begin With Bismillah. When you start the punch card you want to enter the work, read bismillah, hope you kept away from the devil that makes you careless, sleepy, does not seem enough 'charge betri' alone. Assuming you are a student, starting from going in class, sit in your seat and start going bukak book, start everything with bismillah. Hopefully whatever you do be blessed. LETS entry into the class, you want to install the intention of seeking knowledge. When Allaah do it, you have a fair chance to excel! 5. Set Target Self Development This is also less emphasized. When you're out of the house either to the class or to work, we do not know what we want to accomplish that day. Is not it? We just want to get there, work (or attend classes) later afternoon I took it back home, rest, eat, drink, sleep pastu. Tomorrow morning, wake up to the same thing over and over again. You like living in one circle, there-there alone. Starting today, change your attitude. Set a target of what you want to achieve, the best set for each day. If you are a student, set a target number of the chapter you want to review, how many books you want to read in this week, how many questions you want to ask your lecturer or teacher later. Assuming you are an entrepreneur, set sales target how you want to accomplish today and what profit you want to get results from your business. Set also what you want to learn today 'in your business field. If you are an employee, set to the task you want to finish and set the time limit for you to complete everything. Efficiency of a worker in the value of speed, accuracy and neatness. 6. View Bright Colour Color can affect mood. Bright colors make us so energetic, cheerful and full of ideas. Each day, see bright colors like yellow, red, blue and green. I already test this method itself, so effective! Lift yourself with brightly colored objects because it can change your mood into a positive. 7. Fill the heart with forgiveness Let go of all the first-past. Forgive the morning, everything is pardoned from the beginning until now. Let go of resentment, unrest, anger, resentment and the like of him. Negative emotions if ur staying in the heart (even slightly) it prevents the motivation. In effect, you become a person who is not in spirit. To make matters worse, you are so negative minded people, only see the negative in every person, every situation and every thing. You must change for development Brave Life Changing for Excellence.

7 Things That Make You Motivated In The Morning Time

The best thing you should do in the morning, is:

1. Grateful, grateful, grateful.

Be thankful because you are given the chance to live, you still have a chance to do our best today, better than yesterday.

2. Motivated determination.

Install the intention in your heart that you want to be fully enthusiastic. Take some short motivational articles and read in a minute or two.

In the early hours of the morning, do not open the email, read the newspaper, read the gossip, gossip or backbiting join session with my friends. Reason, it issues a negative energy, thus preventing you from motivated throughout the day.

3. Lift Yourself With Motivation Session.

Follow motivation sessions in the media, for example on TV3 Morning Motivation and motivating session Dr Izzy at Hot FM. Spend time 3-5 minutes motivate myself through a short motivational sessions this.

Motivation should be maintained, if not on guard because it is easily downloaded. In effect, you become motivated, shaky and faint.

4. In What Whatsoever You Do, Begin With Bismillah.
When you start the punch card you want to enter the work, read bismillah, hope you kept away from the devil that makes you careless, sleepy, does not seem enough 'charge betri' alone.

Assuming you are a student, starting from going in class, sit in your seat and start going bukak book, start everything with bismillah. Hopefully whatever you do be blessed.

LETS entry into the class, you want to install the intention of seeking knowledge. When Allaah do it, you have a fair chance to excel!

5. Set Target Self Development
This is also less emphasized. When you're out of the house either to the class or to work, we do not know what we want to accomplish that day. Is not it?

We just want to get there, work (or attend classes) later afternoon I took it back home, rest, eat, drink, sleep pastu. Tomorrow morning, wake up to the same thing over and over again.

You like living in one circle, there-there alone.

Starting today, change your attitude. Set a target of what you want to achieve, the best set for each day.

If you are a student, set a target number of the chapter you want to review, how many books you want to read in this week, how many questions you want to ask your lecturer or teacher later.

Assuming you are an entrepreneur, set sales target how you want to accomplish today and what profit you want to get results from your business. Set also what you want to learn today 'in your business field.

If you are an employee, set to the task you want to finish and set the time limit for you to complete everything. Efficiency of a worker in the value of speed, accuracy and neatness.

6. View Bright Colour
Color can affect mood. Bright colors make us so energetic, cheerful and full of ideas.

Each day, see bright colors like yellow, red, blue and green. I already test this method itself, so effective!

Lift yourself with brightly colored objects because it can change your mood into a positive.

7. Fill the heart with forgiveness
Let go of all the first-past. Forgive the morning, everything is pardoned from the beginning until now.

Let go of resentment, unrest, anger, resentment and the like of him.

Negative emotions if ur staying in the heart (even slightly) it prevents the motivation. In effect, you become a person who is not in spirit.

To make matters worse, you are so negative minded people, only see the negative in every person, every situation and every thing.

You must change for development

Brave Life Changing for Excellence.

26 November 2012

renungan buat diri dan semua

Assalamualaikum buat akhi dan ukhti yang dikasihi sekalian.Harapan dan doa saya buat kalian agar diberkati hidup oleh Allah SWT.

Sepanjang hidup yang dijalani ini,maka hendaklah kita menjalaninya dengan diiringi dengan bismillah dan selalu mengungkap kata cinta kepada Allah SWT.Terukir setiap kata-kata dari lidah dan membenarkan dalam qolbu agar sentiasa kita dekat selalu pada Allah SWT..Berusahalah kita dalam menyebut kalimah yang suci yang bisa membuatkan diri kita disayangi Allah SWT selalu.

Dengan kalimah terindah Bismillahirrahmannirahim..
Permulaan yang sungguh indah untuk semua perkara yang baik..

                                 Subhanallah..Maha Suci Allah atas segalanya

                                        Alhamdulillah..Salam memuji keagungan Ilahi..

                                                Allahu Akbar..Allah Maha Besar atas semua kejadianNya..

La Haula Wala Quwwata Illa Billahi Aliyul Azim..Tiada daya dan upaya melainkan Allah Yang Maha Tinggi dan Maha Agung..

Ucapkanlah ayat-ayat cinta Allah disetiap waktu tanpa jemu..Tanpa berasa lelah apabila mengungkapkan dengan penuh rasa iman dan taqwa kepada Sang Pencipta Yang Maha Esa.

Usahlah merasa jauh denganNya kerana Allah tak pernah jauh..Yang merasakan  jauh adalah diri kita yang kadangkala alpa.Usahlah katakan yang Allah tak sayang pada kita.Walhal Allah selalu memberikan hidup dan apa yang terbaik untuk kita..Bukanlah setiap ujian dan kesulitan yang Allah berikan pada kita adalah untuk membuatkan kita rasa jauh dariNya,bahkan semakin Allah menguji kita,itulah tandanya Allah menunjukkan rasa cintaNya pada kita sebagai hambanYa...

Cintailah Allah melebihi cinta kita pada segalanya...Tiada yang abadi melainkan Allah..

23 November 2012

PERISTIWA 20-22 November 2012

Dimana peristiwa tersebut penulis blog yang serba sederhana ini sedang menjalani kursus di sebuah tempat yang sungguh indah..Indahnya kerana inilah kali pertama menjejakkan kaki ke sebuah resort yang bernama

Al Sakinah Eco Resort,Janda Baik Bentong Pahang

Ada sesiapa yang pernah pergi tak tempat yang saya pergi selama 3 hari ini?Bagi sesiapa yang pernah pergi pasti nak pergi lagi.Dan bagi yang belum pernah berkunjung ke tempat libur ini,inilah peluang anda semua pada cuti sekolah ini untuk bersama-sama membawa keluarga datang ke tempat yang penuh ketenangan dan santai ini.Ayuh,jangan lepaskan peluang anda.

Resort ini berunsurkan Islamik dimana terdapat sebuah pondok agama ataupun pesantren yang dibina di dalam kawasan resort tersebut.Sesuai dengan tempatnya,ada sungai yang mengalir di jeram yang cantik,di hiasi dengan flora yang sungguh indah.Subhanallah,sungguh indah kawasan tersebut.Rugi kalau tak datang ke sana.Bawa keluarga dan saudara mara  bercuti kesini.Bagi pasangan yang bercouple,nak datang boleh,tapi jangan nak memandai nak beromen kat sana pula.Nanti kena sambar petir baru rasa nikmatnya....

Ini gambar-gambar saya semasa sedang berkursus di sana.Yang pastinya anda akan tertarik untuk berkunjung di resort ini..Hayatilah keindahan Ilahi apabila berkunjung ke resort ini.